Changes to Wage and Premium Report Filing

The Tennessee Department of Labor & Workforce Development has issued notice of a change in its wage and premium report requirements. Effective January 1, 2016, Tennessee law requires employers with…

Nonprofit Newsletter Released

Crosslin has released the latest edition of the Nonprofit Standard, its newsletter specifically related to the business of running a nonprofit organization.  Topics in this quarter’s issue include successfully communicating…

Nonprofit Summer Newsletter Released

Crosslin has released the summer edition of the Nonprofit Standard, its newsletter specifically related to the business of running a nonprofit organization.  Topics in this quarter’s issue include successfully communicating…

Nonprofit Tax-Free Renewal Certificates

The tax and audit teams at Crosslin & wanted to make all of its not-for-profit customers and colleagues aware of a recent memo released by the Tennessee Department of Revenue…

Nonprofit Standard Summer 2014

The Nonprofit Standard provides financial information for tax-exempt organizations.  Click on the Nonprofit Standard Summer 2014