IRS Addresses Employee Payroll Tax Deferral

The IRS issued Notice 2020-65 that provides some needed guidance for employers wondering whether and how to comply with the employee payroll tax deferral described in the August 8, 2020 Presidential memorandum (often referred…

IRS Delays Due to COVID-19

     The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has been experiencing delays in opening mail delivered to the organization, which has created a slower response to tax refunds, or any other…

Tips on Virtual Business Meeting Etiquette

Virtual meetings are here to stay; they are the future! Like face-to-face meetings, virtual meetings should be effective, concise, and professional. Your clients and other participants should feel valued. “I’ve…

Tax Benefits of Homeownership

Buying a home is the single most valuable investment most families make, and homeownership offers tax breaks that make it the foundation for your overall tax planning. The tax law…