Tax Team VITA Presentation

The Crosslin tax team had a great time presenting recently at the United Way’s Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) site coordinators’ meeting.  Attendees came from all over the state to hear Jeff Smith and Dan Warren address some of the key changes in the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, especially how VITA clients might be affected.  Great job, Jeff and Dan!  , including such issues as:

  • How VITA filing status and dependence will be impacted
  • How Earned Income Tax Credits and Child Tax Credits will be changed
  • Changes to the ACA (both related to the bill and not)

Last year, United Way and its partners offered Free Tax Prep at more than 25 locations across Middle Tennessee. The VITA program helped 15,000 individuals & families last year receive $19M in refunds and save $4M in filing fees.  We are proud to be part of the team!