Filing Time Extensions for Tornado Victims

As many of you may start to hear soon, the IRS has granted filing relief to victims of the recent tornadoes by extending the filing and payment dates for many returns and taxes until July 15, 2020, for taxpayers with an address of record in the Tennessee counties of Davidson, Wilson, and Putnam.  While that relief is automatic for those who live in the specified counties, taking advantage of the extended time period may not be beneficial for every client. 

Crosslin is encouraging our clients to continue with the mindset that the deadlines have not changed, and to let us advise you as we deliver returns to you regarding your options and relevant dates.  We are also reviewing the returns previously delivered for the purpose of informing clients who have already filed of the new options.  If you feel that your ability to submit records for return preparation has been hampered, please consult with the Crosslin tax team, even if you do not live in the specified counties.  We will continue to monitor the IRS releases and keep you informed. 

As always, thank you for your business.  Please give us a call at (615) 320-5500 with any questions.