Faith-based Organizations

Crosslin performs attest engagements, tax services, A-133 compliance projects, and information technology and network security services for numerous religious entities, from single churches to global ministries, from state conventions and charitable foundations to large faith-based colleges and universities.
Faith-based organizations and not-for-profit entities are two of our specialties.
Crosslin’s expertise in the auditing of faith-based organizations and not-for-profits is unparalleled. Our customer list includes some of the most highly regarded organizations across the world, nation and Tennessee.
Experienced and knowledgeable business advisors are of paramount importance to your ability to operate effectively.
Additionally an understanding of your mission and particular organization’s polity helps the engagement to be performed in an appropriate manner. We currently serve nearly 90 faith-based organizations and not-for-profit entities. Our exclusive experience provides us with understanding of the specific issues and risks faced by these particular entities.
Our firm devotes special resources to our faith-based organization customers in an effort to keep them up to date on recent happenings within their arena. In addition to our practical audit experience with faith-based organizations, we have experience in assisting our customers in the implementation of new accounting and reporting requirements, trends, and practices. We frequently host seminars and programs for our religious and not-for-profit customers related to the specialized requirements of this type of accounting.
We perform numerous single audit (A-133) engagements annually covering hundreds of millions of dollars in federal relief and award expenditures. These awards are expended across the United States and in numerous foreign countries. We have the ability to audit organizations across the globe and have done so. Also, we are very familiar with the compliance programs and issues facing your organization.