Educational Institutions

Crosslin has an unparalleled depth of experience with colleges and universities. In fact, we consider it one of our specialties. We provide audit services to 14 colleges, universities and educational institutions across the state. When you specialize in a particular area, as Crosslin has done in education, a deeply rooted common body of knowledge develops in that area.
As demonstrated by our extensive education customer base, Crosslin is committed to education financial administration and, therefore, has invested in numerous resources to keep our firm up-to-speed on the latest accounting trends in the education and not-for-profit fields. Crosslin would make any and all of these resources available to your management team. Additionally, through our BDO Alliance USA relationship we have available the resources of the BDO Alliance USA Center for Nonprofit Excellence. The Center stays on the edge of issues that confront nonprofit organizations, including educational institutions.
Also among our technological resources is Accounting Research Manager (ARM), a primary source of insightful interpretations on GAAP, GAAS, and GAGAS, is updated daily and considered the timeliest and most comprehensive online database of expert-written analytical accounting, auditing, governmental, and SEC information as well as primary source data. It also provides us access to literature and pronouncements from the following:
- GAO – Government Accountability Office
- GASB – Governmental Accounting Standards Board
- GFOA – Governmental Finance Officers Association
- HUD – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
- OMB – Office of Management and Budgets
- PCIE – President’s Council on Integrity and Efficiency
- NACUBO – National Association of College and University Business Officers
- SACUBO – Southern Association of College and University Business Officers